Thanks for being my patient.
Today, many patients come to the office due to online reviews.
The more I have, the more people like you I can help.
Can I ask you a favor?
Please click the link below and review your experience with me.
If you don’t know what to write, here are some tips…
- Share your experience of what you had when you came in and how you are doing now.
- Share about a specific treatment and how it helped you get better.
- Share your journey up to now and what has helped and what has not helped.
- Write beforehand and copy and paste into the different links below.
- Look at the bottom of the page for a few examples.
Here’s a sample review to make it simple for you:
“I saw Dr. Pearl at Arlington Foot and Ankle. I was struggling with _______. Dr. Pearl helped me by _______ so that now I can ______.”