Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain: Chronic lateral ankle pain often results from a prior ankle sprain or injury and involves pain along the outer ankle area.

What Causes Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain?

  • Repetitive ankle sprains and post-sprain formation of scar tissue
  • Fractures in the ankle joint bones
  • Arthritis of the ankle joint, or inflammation of the ankle joint, tendons, or joint lining
  • Ankle-area nerve damage, including stretching, tearing, or pinching of ankle nerves

What Are Symptoms of Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain?

  • Outer ankle and lower leg pain
  • Stiff, tender ankle
  • Swelling of the ankle area
  • Unstable ankle and trouble maintaining balance on bumpy, unlevel ground or while wearing high-heeled shoes

How Is Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain Treated?

  • Take anti-inflammatory or prescription steroidal medications on a temporary basis to decrease swelling (ask your doctor first)
  • Do physical therapy, including exercises that strengthen and improve the range of motion for ankle muscles
  • Wear ankle braces and ankle supports
  • Immobilize the area to allow bone healing after fractures